
Welcome to my website. My name is Jeff Sterup. Here you will find links and screenshots of sites I have worked on as well as a description of the type of work I performed on each site. I also have some sections dedicated to general site development, WordPress tips & tricks, and WordPress plugins.

I have been a web developer for over 20 years and have developed dynamic sites using PHP, Java, TCL, CGI, and PERL. I have extensive experience with front end design as well using Javascript, CSS, and HTML. Along with web development of course comes database design. I have used MySQL, SQL Server, and Informix. Over the last few years I have been developing using WordPress. I have written many plugins and a few of them are available to the public. Go to Dev -> WordPress -> Plugins in the navigation menu to see a list of them.

If you would like to contact me please use the contact form under Contact in the menu.

If you have an idea for a new WordPress plugin I can develop it for you. I’m always looking for ideas to make the WordPress community better. If you would like to submit an idea you can use the form at the link below.

Submit your wordpress plugin idea